The Department of Veterans Affairs Enterprise Architecture (VA EA) is an efficient and integrated set of systems, tools, and resources for leaders, staff, and other stakeholders to better understand VA strategy, investment, lines of business, and information technology (IT) capabilities. As depicted in the figure below, the VA EA brings together authoritative data and information, organized by domains, helping to increase interoperability of Veteran and enabling support services, improve service delivery, and make better use of VA resources.
The VA EA is managed by the Architecture and Engineering Service (AES) Team under the Office of Information Technology (OIT). As VA priorities and business needs evolve, the VA EA evolves along with it. Please contact the AES Team with questions, thoughts, or ideas for how we can continue supporting those who service our Veterans and beneficiaries.
The Architecture and Engineering Service welcomes your thoughts and ideas. Please contact us regarding how we can improve the VA EA to better serve our Veterans and beneficiaries, as well as those who support them.